ProCom / Emery Catalog Link
Being unveiled at the Emery Waterhouse MarketPlace 2004 Show is the latest
addition to the ProCom System, the ProCom/Emery Catalog Link.
What does it do? Why re-type the item number into the
Emery Online web site? Just find the item in your ProCom system and press one key. Your PC
will switch to your web browser and display the Emery Online information for that item.
Emery Information is just one key away....
Ask your ProCom sales representative for details...
We are currently investigating TRADEROUTE,
the Lawn & Garden EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Solution from ARI Network
Services, Inc. This is a method by which Lawn & Garden dealers can transmit
Purchase Orders, Warranty Claims, and Product Registrations directly from your ProCom
Business System to your Manufacturers/Distributors. Currently Ariens is
offering a 4% discount on parts orders placed through Traderoute. Other participating
Manufacturers will include: Toro, Simplicity, Briggs & Stratton, Polaris,
with more on the way.
Please ask you distributor or manufacturer how you can
take advantage of this new technology... And let us know when you get it.
We are
now capable of fully integrating Partsmart to your business system. While in Partsmart you
can see current pricing and stock levels of parts from your ProCom Business System as well
as seeing their bin location. A transaction list can be created in Partsmart and imported
into any order in your ProCom System with the press of a button.